They will grow to an average height of one metre over the next six months. For the first six months, after transplanting, the seedlings appear to sit dormant then with the onset of springs warm weather they slowly start to grow over the summer months then burst into life with the autumn rain.

This will make caring for them over the next three and a half years as convenient and easy as possible. PlantingĪfter pre releasing the fields for weeds, the now one year old seedlings are planted out using string lines to ensure they are in straight rows. Over the next 12 months the seedlings will be wrenched, and undercut to prepare them for the shock of being moved to new open ground in the following spring. Shortly before being transplanted they will be basal pruned and then topped to encourage multiple branching from an early age. In late winter the seed is sown into prepared seed beds. At the optimum time of the year we gather seed from these trees in preparation for sowing into our nursery seed beds. Some of these trees are far from being handsome specimens but show traits such as multiple branching, good stability in wind, disease and pest resistance and above all an excellence in colour and appearance in late November and December. We have selected a number of mother trees from around the area which in our opinion show good Christmas tree characteristics. Here’s the real truth about growing Christmas trees. You can do this but chances are the cash won’t be forth coming and the customers will be lining up at someone else’s gate.
The main reason why you will not regret your decision to select a Christmas tree from is the fact that the seedling will develop into the exact tree that you expected.There is a bit more to growing Christmas trees than sticking them in the ground and waiting until Christmas when large number of customers line up at the gate to hand you fists full of cash just because you had the foresight to realise that Christmas was coming. All this is available at client-friendly prices. Thus, you will be able to find a seedling with just the right properties you are looking for. We are able to provide most species that are cultivated in Denmark and adjacent areas. We use our own plantations as well as other sources that hail from Denmark and Canada.

We supply top-tier Christmas tree seedlings and seeds. We offer plants that are suitable for Christmas tree plantations as well as for forest use and ornamental landscape greenery. The quality of products ought to be on a par with the quality of services provided to each one of you. Development, in terms of both technology and staff, is of utmost importance. Innovative production is the trait that distinguishes our company. Optimal cultivation conditions are inherent as well. We use only reliable seed supply sources. This is possible due to a thorough selection and control of seeds. We also take care of the quality of the tree seedlings that you can buy from our company.